Friday, February 21, 2014


On Saturday, February 1, 2014 I celebrated my 1st Runner-versary by completing by 1st Half Marathon at the Critz Tybee Island Run Fest. Trust me!  It was an experience I'll never forget.
What a difference a year makes!  My very first race EVER was the 5K at the Run Fest in 2013.  I was close to 270 lbs, was not walking on a regular bases and knew absolutely nothing about racing.  But I'd promised a friend of mine that I would do it and found a new hobby.

I distinctly remember the start of that race and my friend telling me that I need to move toward the back of the line so I would get run over by the real racers.  I remember thinking, no the middle of the pack should be far enough.  I really had a lot to learn!

After everyone brushed passed me, I remember looking back and realizing that I was DEAD LAST!  I almost quit.  What was the point? But I pushed through.  And as I've told this story so many time, there were a group of teenage kids who decided THEY wanted to be last and walked behind us the rest of the rest.  A true encouragement!  But best of all, when I finally reached the finish line (officially in last place and with police escort in tow), all the other runners CHEERED like I'd come in first!

I was hooked!

Since then I've run a total of 10-5K 1-10K and 1-5 miler.  I always feel a little awkward saying 'run'.  I do a lot of walking still and that not very fast.  I've crossed the finished line LAST several times, but I'm always encouraged to continue.

My experience in the Half marathon, challenged me.

First it was RAINING!  It was suppose to be a BEAUTIFUL weekend but this persistent drizzle haunted us the whole race.  NOTE TO SELF, keep a clear parka in your car for such a time as this.  I was lucky to find some in the convenience store near where I was parked.

Second I think I did well with my nutrition and hydration.  I never really felt like I was out of gas.  I think I ate steal cut oatmeal for breakfast just about every morning.  I also enjoyed baked sweet potatoes.

Third, my race fuel was on point.  I drank an Amino Acid just before the race and enjoyed Jelly Belly Extreme Sports Beans during the race.  I also pickup a huge TOOTSIE ROLL at the convenience store.

Forth, the true challenge was in my conditioning.  Was I ready to do a half marathon?  Not really.  True I have been walk/running consistently for a year but think I need to put a little more effort into the TRAINING.  The longest distance I'd run/walked was 12.1 miles and I struggled to make it.  I felt that same struggle in the race beginning at mile 10!  But PRAISE GOD I MADE IT!

More later!